Friday, 12 July 2019

How the rich get richer

Never before has there been as much money as there is today and rarely has money been so cheap and yet the Central banks continue to pump money into the world we are being flooded by trillion of dollars and euros ,it can't go on forever it's a ticking time ,it's never been easier for investors to get their hands on cheap money running up debts is practically free of charge .Organization are just borrowing large amounts of money from each other and then using that to make money by lending it to others who are using that to lend to others a snowball system that lets the rich become even richer savers on the upper hand are losing billions every year .Thanks to low interest rates .If you just open a savings account it's almost like burning money ,this large of money has created deals worth billions companies are bought and sold for vast sums because loans are cheap the employees become the pawns of the speculators .The question is where's all this money going.

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