Saturday 4 January 2020

Australia Fire / Forest fires in Australia 2020/Australia fire reasons and climate change

Australia fire 

Australia forest fire death toll 

Now what's happening in Australia is unprecedented the bush fires have killed 18 people they have killed close to half a billion of animals .They are over twice as big as the Amazon forest fires and they are exerting extreme political pressure on Prime Minister Scott Morrison .

Australia fire and weather

   The volume of smoke that is being generated due to Australia forest fires  many of these are so big .They are even forming their own weather events which that can lightning which then in turn sparks more fires .Thousands of Australian have decided they need to leave the areas affected in part because conditions are predicted to worsen over the weekend with more hyper temperature and more strong winds because of all this New South Wales has declared a week long emergency that is partly because of the calculation that the threat level is likely to increase .

Australia fire satellite 

   This above is satellite image of Australia forest fire which shows you the volume of smoke spreading across much of the state .Australia more than 4 million hectares have been burnt in the last six months that is brought devastating human costs and devastating environmental costs too.

now let me give you the latest on the
bush fires in Australia there's
particular focus on the states of
Victoria and New South Wales where there
are fears that a number of these fires
could merge into what's being called
mega blaze now this is a live
visualization of active fires and
they're given to their privacy notice
and this is a BuzzFeed a squashy active
fires from NASA as you can see New South
Wales is bearing the brunt of this there
was brief respite over the weekend with
some blight city rain and it was
well-received in Sydney so some cheers
for the rain but I'm afraid it's not
going to last long the hot dry weather
is due to return though and prime
minister Scott Morrison is warning the
fire emergency could last for months
here are some of the latest pictures
first of all these are taken in Victoria
ston assurance I'd a military aircraft
attempting to land in a haze of bushfire
smoke the military is now involved in a
range of evacuation efforts we also have
these aerial pictures which show the
devastation of one community in Batlow
in New South Wales and they get an idea
of the extent of the damage the fires
are also having devastating
environmental consequences koalas
usually get their water intake from
eucalyptus leaves as you can see at the
moment they're having to get a lot of
help from us these pictures from South
Australia's Kangaroo Island it's
renowned for its wildlife it's home to
several threatened species there are now
fears some species could be wiped out we
know in New South Wales alone it's
believed that hundreds of millions of
animals had been killed
well next let's focus on the coastal
town of Eden in the far southeast of New
South Wales many residents have been evacuated,
Eden Wharf had become a makeshift
evacuation center when the weekend fires
came very close to this town people came
here they sheltered in boats in cars
some in the open air just to be close to
the water we have a bit of a lull in the
weather now the temperatures and the
winds have dropped
we have rain which many people have been
telling me they were praying for but we
know this is not going to last
authorities are saying they're expecting
worse conditions later in the week and
that's really been the story of these
fires there are more to come
and people are living in limbo and this
is what residents in Eden have told us
the uncertainty as to what happens when
the fire does come through cause how fast
is gonna come here's the window if the
wind really picks up and comes over that
hill it's gonna come in it like you know
like a fireball
there's just the waiting game for it to
stop now I should also mention the
firefighters some are paid professionals
many are volunteers and some of them
have lost their lives since these fires
began this is a picture that was widely
shared from last week where a
one-year-old boy received a bravery
medal on behalf of his father who had
died a few days before and since
September 25 people firefighters and
others have died over 1,200 homes have
been destroyed and millions of hectares
have been burnt out
prime minister Scott Morrison has
announced a further 1.4 billion u.s.
dollars to help with the fire recovery.
We make this commitment to all.
Australians that we will be there for
you during this immediate response and
we will be there for the rebuilding and
the recovery and today in cabinet we
have made a number of decisions to
support that recovery effort to do
whatever it takes to do whatever it
costs to meet those needs to build our
resilience for the future and to enable.
Australians wherever they are all across
the country to be able to go forward in
confidence for their futures the Prime.
Minister's been facing relentless
criticism remember he went on hold later,

Australia Fire reason and climate change

        Why during a week in December when the
temperatures spiked and the fires
intensified there's also been
frustration that help for rural
communities has been too slow and too
little remember this from last week and
we've seen his sincerity being
questioned to my colleague Nick bride
says an Australian Prime Minister
slammed for being a slick PR man out of
his depth in the midst of a national
crisis response to criticisms by
producing a slick PR ad and that's
reference to Scott Morrison's previous
career in marketing but also to this
video which the
government has put out in the last few
days this is some of it that's the
government pushing back at the idea that
it's not responding adequately to this
crisis the most serious criticism though
aimed at Scott Morrison is that he's not
doing enough on climate change the
context here is that Australia's being
getting hot over the last century
especially in the last 25 years that
increase in temperatures being caused by
climate change which in turn is caused
by humans and the higher temperatures
mean that the chances of bigger faster
and more intense bush fires are higher
than they used to be
now Scott Morrison technology is
reducing emissions would reduce bushfire
risk and he says Australia's meeting its
climate commitments but that's disputed
by the UN it's also disputed by one of
the architects of the Paris climate
Accord she accuses Australia of cheating
the system and she created the system so
she's familiar with it
Scott Morrison also talks about the need
for balance and what that really means
it's helping to reduce Australia's
emissions while supporting Australia's
vast fossil fuel industry which creates
lots of emissions it's a tough balance
especially as coal experts were worth 42
billion u.s. dollars in the last
financial year for Australia and were
responsible for around 50,000 jobs so
these are difficult political choices no
doubt but Scott Morrison is clear his
government takes climate change
seriously but here are some examples
which don't necessarily quite fit with
that this is his deputy talking about
people who were trying to connect the
fires and climate change well they don't
need the radius of some pure enlightened
and woke capital city greenies at this
time when they're trying to save their
home well there's the Prime Minister's
backbench MP Craig Kelly he posted on
Facebook a few weeks ago climate
alarmists have been out peddling the
claim that rising temperatures due to
climate change are putting the Boxing
Day Test in doubt that's a quicker game
he goes on to say it's a total
perception a complete pack of lies and
like everything to do with climate
change it's not only a lie but the truth
is the exact opposite this is the same
MP who in 2016 Lincoln
viewable energy to child drownings and
he I should Erie its rate represents the
party in power or there's the senior
government MP reacting to news last year.

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