Friday 26 July 2019

Why Solar system is so beneficial

 is pollution free and causes no greenhouse gases to be emitted after installationReduced dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuelsRenewable clean power that is available every day of the year, even cloudy days produce some powerReturn on investment unlike paying for utility billsVirtually no maintenance as solar panels last over 30 yearsCreates jobs by employing solar panel manufacturers, solar installers, etc. and in turn helps the economyExcess power can be sold back to the power company if grid intertiedAbility to live grid free if all power generated provides enough for the home / buildingCan be installed virtually anywhere; in a field to on a buildingUse batteries to store extra power for use at nightSolar can be used to heat water, power homes and building, even power carsSafer than traditional electric currentEfficiency is always improving so the same size solar that is available today will become more efficient tomorrowAesthetics are improving making the solar more versatile compared to older models; i.e. printing, flexible, solar shingles, etc.

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Friday 12 July 2019

How the rich get richer

Never before has there been as much money as there is today and rarely has money been so cheap and yet the Central banks continue to pump money into the world we are being flooded by trillion of dollars and euros ,it can't go on forever it's a ticking time ,it's never been easier for investors to get their hands on cheap money running up debts is practically free of charge .Organization are just borrowing large amounts of money from each other and then using that to make money by lending it to others who are using that to lend to others a snowball system that lets the rich become even richer savers on the upper hand are losing billions every year .Thanks to low interest rates .If you just open a savings account it's almost like burning money ,this large of money has created deals worth billions companies are bought and sold for vast sums because loans are cheap the employees become the pawns of the speculators .The question is where's all this money going.

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Saturday 6 July 2019

Tour de France 2019

1st stage Tour de France
    It is 6th July a starting day of an worldwide a best sports event as cycling competition is getting started so now people who are crazy  to the Tour de France game seems to be very happy as today event has been started properly in Belgium famous city Brussels where its lover has been gathering to enjoy this sports event containing  23 days .You get to know "Tour de France " is a popular cycling competition that has been holding from 1903 first time to recent times properly and nicely and has become a worldwide popular game competition which is held every year in European countries sometime in France sometime Belgium or Spain and same in Italy etc .In this communication there are 21 States but this game takes 23 days as every single day contain a single stage but as we see the difference between figures as 21 and 23 you should come to know in these two additional days the riders who participate in the cycling competition get rest .I think you there raise a question that what is "stage" actually the whole event in partition has multiple stages as each day of the competition called a stage total stages are 21 in this having 23 days cycling competition in which cycle riders covers 2000 miles.
    Tour de France stage1 2019
Tour de France stage2 2019
Tour de France stage3 2019
Tour de France stage4 2019
Tour de France stage5 2019

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Thursday 4 July 2019

American eagle

American eagle ,Harpy eagle ,golden eagle ,eagle bird ,how to catch eagle,eagle price ,eagle price in Saudi Arabia ,eagle price in America ,eagle hunting ,eagle living place ,golden eagle vs falcon ,eagle food ,what is eagle food ,eagle hunting season,bald eagle ,eagle nest ,eagle color ,eagle flying ,eagle wings ,beautiful eagle ,eagle training ,how to train an eagle ,why eagle is so expensive, eagle cheap rates, how to buy an eagle ,how to sell an eagle ,eagle farming ,falcon and eagle training ,eagle trainer ,

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Stranger Thing 3

Stranger Thing 1
Stranger Thing 2
Stranger Thing  3
American web television series a horror web television directed by Duffer ,stranger thing three 3 starting to release fourth of  July ,2019   .
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Wednesday 3 July 2019

4th of July , America independence day

People are interested to know about the event 4th of July actually what is about the occasion so you should come to know it is the day of Independence of America .America got Independence for life ,liberty on 4th July ,1776 .As today is 3rd July and tomorrow will be 4th July a birth day of US(United States ) so people of United States are going to celebrate a big event so on this occasion we would like to say the best wishes and happy birthday United States.
4th July 1776 ,Independence day of America, Independence day of US ,United State Independence day ,4th July celebration ,Independence day salute ,Trump's salute to America ,how Trump salute to America on the America Independence day .Fourth of July fireworks ,fireworks on the Independence day of America or US

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Monday 1 July 2019

The Internet (history of the Internet)

The Internet is defining technology of our time and historic revolution in communications for the human race that is changing the world well the the Internet is the next big thing it is on a par with the wheel and fire and language  and printing press ,the Internet enables millions of people with personal computer to communicate and connect it's emailed its newsgroups and chat rooms it's also the world's largest marketplace and shopping mall and it's link to websites the world over with information for every aspect of life and even the life after this is, in fact,t, the telecommunications infrastructure for the 21st century but where did the Internet come from ,how did it get started and who built this essential tool and playful toy to millions and where is it going . This is the age of Internet a global networks of computer-based communication at the turn of 21st century millions of people around the world are now online every day to exchange messages conduct business meet people and find information free from the limits of time distance and even tyranny ,computer communication can also be a tool of war to manage material and manpower as.

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Tunnel Farming in Netherlands' Desert

This is the Netherlands, we are no longer a country of only wooden shoes, windmills, and cheese, even though we maintain that image in some places . The Netherlands is a superpower in the area of agricultural, after the United States, our country is the largest exporter of agricultural products in the world, two-thirds of all of the land in our country is farmland . Usually on a large scale and efficiently organized . Onion on the way to Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Malaysia you can find our onion everywhere but the majority go to Germany and United Kingdoms, Bell pappers, tomatoes, cucumber we export 70 billion euros of agricultural products. Billion of eggs we export free-range eggs to Germany . America is the greatest buyer of our brews.Soybean, For livestock and the food industry. After China, we are the greatest importer of Soybean in the world . Every plot of land is used for optimal results . Even when the ground is not always suitable every detail of the food processor is perfected and that all starts with the seed . Tomato average 15 kilos per square meter but it can reach 60 to 70 kilos per square meters . We select the best plants that we will develop into a specific breed . We checked this seed for everything . The genetic is correct the size is right physiologically it's correct the similar weight is correct . Our climate is perfect for letting the grass grow .

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